

Welcome to The Bridge Community Church of the Nazarene or BCCN. Our desire is to draw closer to God and each other through prayer and mutual support. We are passionate about helping people better understand their relationship with God by providing opportunities to serve and grow in faith. As we engage in our community, our goal is to be bridges that help people grow closer together while they connect with Christ.

What we value


The church is not an organization you join; it is a family where you belong, a home where you are loved and a hospital where you find healing.


Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ.


We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth depends on two things: first a willingness to live according to the Word of God; second, a willingness to take whatever consequences emerge as a result.

Our vision


Regularly worshipping together as the Church family to help live out our faith. We have an online presence, but if people do not reach out through that it won’t have the same effect as being together in person. We need to show the community our love of being together.


Giving out to others in kindness and love through hospitality and compassion, giving back in time, talent and treasure to support the ministries of the Church.


Teaching one another about faith by learning together in a small group or class together. We may have a preacher and a teacher, but all of us can learn and share what the Word of God is saying to us. We grow stronger in our faith when we learn together.


Reaching out to others through and supporting a community ministry as a means to sharing the Gospel. We regularly work together to develop opportunities that our church family can participate in, in the community.

Let us show you

Come join us in worship this Sunday

Sunday mornings service starts at 10:30 AM – come early for coffee and snacks!

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

JOHN 14:6